Digging for Spiritual Gems
1. Joel 2:12, 13—What do these verses teach us about true repentance?
Genuine repentance is heartfelt. It involves an inward ‘ripping apart of our hearts,’ not an outward ‘ripping apart of garments.’
2. Joel 3:14—What is “the valley of the decision”?
It is a symbolic place for meting out God’s judgment. In the days of Judean King Jehoshaphat, whose name means “Jehovah Is Judge,” God delivered Judah from surrounding nations by confusing their military forces. Hence, the place is also called “the low plain of Jehoshaphat.” (Joel 3:2, 12) In our day, it represents a symbolic location in which nations will be crushed like grapes in a winepress.
3. What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?
- Joel 1:15. A title for God in Hebrew is Shad·daiʹ, or “the Almighty One.” This term is found once in the 12 prophetic books, at Joel 1:15. It has been suggested that its primary meaning is “be strong” or “act strongly.” A similar expression, ‘Jehovah of armies,’ is found 107 times in the 12 books. Might implies strength or power to accomplish a thing purposed. It also denotes overcoming obstacles or opposition. Jehovah’s almightiness involves his irresistible power to accomplish his purpose, to fulfill what he foretells.
- “Jehovah Will Be a Refuge for His People.” (Joel 3:16): The rocking described in this verse could apply only to Jehovah’s execution of judgment during the great tribulation. We take comfort in knowing that Jehovah will deliver his faithful servants during that time. (Rev. 7:9, 14) As we engage in the preaching work and experience how Jehovah sustains and strengthens us, we build faith and endurance that will help us during the coming great tribulation.
4. What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?
- Joel 3:4-8, 19. Joel prophesied that the nations surrounding Judah would be called to account for mistreating God’s chosen people. True to those prophetic words, the mainland city of Tyre was brought to ruin by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Later, when the island-city fell to Alexander the Great, thousands of its military men and prominent people were killed and 30,000 of its inhabitants were sold into slavery. The Philistines experienced like treatment at the hands of Alexander and his successors. By the fourth century B.C.E., Edom lay desolate. (Malachi 1:3) These fulfilled prophecies strengthen our faith in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of his promises. They also show how Jehovah will deal with nations that persecute his worshippers today.
- Joel 2:28-32. Only he “who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe” on “the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.” How grateful we can be that Jehovah pours out his spirit on every sort of flesh and has young and old, male and female, share in the work of prophesying, that is, declaring “the magnificent things of God”! (Acts 2:11) As the day of Jehovah nears, should we not abound in “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion”?—2 Peter 3:10-12.
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