Digging for Spiritual Gems
1. Daniel 9:24—When was “the Holy of Holies” anointed?
Well, consider what took place when Jesus presented himself for baptism in 29 C.E. From that point on in his life, Jesus fulfilled the words of Psalm 40:6-8. The apostle Paul later indicated that Jesus had prayed to God: “Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but you prepared a body for me.” (Hebrews 10:5) Jesus knew that God “did not want” animal sacrifices to continue to be offered at Jerusalem’s temple. Instead, Jehovah had prepared a perfect human body for Jesus to offer as a sacrifice. Expressing his heartfelt desire, Jesus continued: “Look! I am come (in the roll of the book it is written about me) to do your will, O God.” (Hebrews 10:7) And what was Jehovah’s response? The Gospel of Matthew states: “After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him. Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: ‘This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.’”—Matthew 3:16, 17.
Jehovah God’s acceptance of the presentation of Jesus’ body for sacrifice meant that an altar greater than the literal altar in Jerusalem’s temple had come into existence. This was an altar of God’s “will,” or arrangement for accepting Jesus’ human life as a sacrifice. (Hebrews 10:10) The anointing of Jesus with holy spirit meant that God had now brought forth his entire spiritual temple arrangement.b Hence, at the time of Jesus’ baptism, God’s heavenly abode was anointed, or set apart, as “the Holy of Holies” in the great spiritual temple arrangement.
2. Daniel 9:27—What covenant was kept in force for the many until the end of the 70th week of years, or 36 C.E.?
The Law covenant was removed in 33 C.E. when Jesus was impaled. But by keeping the Abrahamic covenant in force toward fleshly Israel until 36 C.E., Jehovah extended the period of special favor to the Jews on the basis of their being descendants of Abraham. The Abrahamic covenant continues in force with regard to “the Israel of God.”
3. What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?
- Daniel 9:4. Jehovah’s loving-kindness “has filled the earth,” and how we appreciate this quality of God! We rejoice that Jehovah extends his loving-kindness to his approved servants—either as individuals or as a group. In prayer, the prophet Daniel addressed Jehovah as “the true God, the great One and the fear-inspiring One, keeping the covenant and the loving-kindness to those loving him and to those keeping his commandments.” (Daniel 9:4)
- Daniel 9:14. Jehovah's promises are reliable. He is the God of revelation and the God of creation. Time and again he has proved to be a righteous God and a Savior of people of all nations.
- Daniel 9:2. Daniel was a diligent student of the Scriptures. We know this because he himself wrote: “I . . . discerned by the books the number of the years . . . for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem.” (Daniel 9:2) The books available to him at the time likely included the inspired writings of Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other prophets. We can imagine Daniel surrounded by numerous scrolls, thoroughly immersed in reading and comparing the prophetic pronouncements that had a bearing on the restoration of true worship in Jerusalem. Undisturbed, possibly in his roof chamber, he no doubt meditated deeply on the meaning of such passages. His purposeful study strengthened his faith and drew him close to Jehovah.
- Daniel 9:3-6, 20. Daniel was a man of prayer. He made appropriate requests of God. Years later, in humble realization of his human imperfection, the faithful prophet confessed his sin together with the sin of his people and begged Jehovah for forgiveness. (Daniel 9:3-6, 20) When he lacked understanding regarding the things that were given him by inspiration, Daniel asked for God’s help.
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