Digging for Spiritual Gems
1. Ezekiel 33:32, 33—Why should we persist in preaching despite apathy?
Those words from Ezekiel 33:33 reveal that Ezekiel did not give up because of lack of response. The apathy of others did not make him apathetic. Let us imitate Ezekiel's attitude. Whether people listened or not, we should obey God and fulfill our commission.
2. Eze 34:23—How has this verse been fulfilled?
In this time of the end, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, is the “one shepherd” whom Jehovah has appointed over all His servants on earth, both the spirit-anointed Christians and the “other sheep.”
3. What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?
- Ezekiel 33:11 He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, yet neither will he allow the wicked to escape the execution of his judgment.
- For God ‘takes no delight in the death of the wicked.’—Eze 33:11. His judgments and decisions, then, are totally free from caprice, fickleness, unreliability, or error; hence he is free from all erratic or eccentric conduct.
- Ezekiel 33:10-20. Our salvation depends on our turning away from bad ways and complying with what God requires. Indeed, Jehovah’s way is “adjusted.
4. What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?
- Ezekiel 33:7-9. The modern-day watchman class—the anointed remnant—and its companions should never hold back from preaching the good news of the Kingdom and warning people about the coming “great tribulation.”
- Because of adhering closely to God’s high standards, Jehovah’s Christian congregation has not been weakened by false shepherds like the ones described at Ezekiel 34:2-6. These were contemptible in Jehovah’s sight and rightly so. Instead of feeding the flock, they fed themselves. They failed to strengthen the sick, to heal the ailing, to bandage the broken, or to bring back the dispersed or the lost. Acting more like wolves than shepherds, they tyrannized over the sheep. The neglected sheep were scattered, aimlessly roaming with no one to care for them. Unlike those unfaithful shepherds, Christian shepherds follow Jehovah’s example. They help to lead the sheep to spiritual “grassy pastures” and “well-watered resting-places.” They endeavor to direct them “in the tracks of righteousness” by helping them to understand Jehovah’s Word properly and to apply it personally. They can do this effectively because they are “qualified to teach."
- Ezekiel 33:32. Ezekiel was told that people would come and hear his words, but their hearts would not respond. Although they liked Ezekiel’s words, they failed to act on them. What is happening today? When the anointed remnant and their companions courageously declare Jehovah’s messages, some like to hear about Kingdom blessings, but they do not respond appreciatively, become disciples, and join in the harvest work.
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